Here I share some "behind the scenes" photographs that capture how my project came about–
Early Ideation
These process photos show some of my first experimentations with illustrations, book formats, and art mediums.
Character Design/ Style Testing/ Color Palettes
I made many different sketches of the characters. Looking at it now, I realize my first sketches were quite rough, but fortunately, practice makes everything better. I did several different style tests and also collected color palettes I liked.
Model Building and Prototyping
The models here show a progression from very basic, miniature models to actual fully functioning prototypes. For this part, I spent most of my time either working in Adobe Illustrator or at the workshops using the lasercutter.
Design Elements + Finalized Paintings
The design elements here include all of the smaller details that make the book complete. I show experimentation with typography, as well as use of screen printing techniques for the spine of the book. I've also included process shots of some of the paintings.